There are several organisations that can provide further information on using and producing biofuel for transport.

The Department for Transport (DfT) is responsible for the transport system in the UK.
DfT: Renewable Transport fuel Obligation (RTFO). Information on complying, reporting and verifying with the RTFO process, for fuel suppliers, independent verifiers and those supplying road transport biofuels.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) collects and administers direct and indirect taxes and pays and administers benefits, funds and tax credits.
HMRC: Biofuels and other fuel substitutes (Excise Notice 179e) from 1 April 2022 - guidance. Find out about excise duty rates for biofuels and the roles and responsibilities of producers from 1 April 2022.
HMRC: Changes to rebated diesel and biofuels from 1 April 2022.
 Information for businesses and individuals that currently supply or use rebated diesel and biofuels, including marked oils.

The Renewable Energy Association (REA) aims to represent the UK's renewable energy industry including renewable fuel producers.
Renewable Energy Association: Transport biofuels

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) shapes and reviews regulations, produces research and statistics and enforces the law relating to health and safety.
HSE: Hazards of producing biofuels domestically

In Northern Ireland

In Scotland


You can get help to develop a more circular approach to your business activities from a number of business support organisations. This can be in the form of advice and training as well as funding opportunities.

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