Summary of hydrogen development and regulation in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Role of hydrogen

Hydrogen is key to decarbonising energy systems and achieving net-zero emissions. The Scottish, Northern Irish and UK Governments all have strategies to scale hydrogen production, aiming for significant capacity by 2030 and beyond.

Hydrogen classification

  • Green hydrogen: Produced via water electrolysis using renewable electricity.
  • Blue hydrogen: Made from natural gas with carbon capture and storage (CCS).
  • Grey hydrogen: Produced from natural gas without emission controls.

Hydrogen production techniques

  • Electrolysis of Water: Environmental impacts: water usage, potential chemical/mineral discharge, fugitive hydrogen emissions, and electricity demand.
  • Natural Gas Reforming: Produces hydrogen and CO2. Risks include high energy demand, polluting by-products, and CO2 emissions if CCS fails.

Hydrogen in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Scotland aims for 5GW of renewable/low-carbon hydrogen by 2030 and 25 GW by 2045. Key goals include scaling production, creating domestic markets, integrating hydrogen into energy systems, boosting research, international collaboration, and supply chain development.

Northern Ireland aims to have established a hydrogen economy by 2030, and to have achieved full decarbonisation by 2045, with hydrogen as a key energy source.

Key planning and regulatory requirements

Planning - Planning permission is required, with considerations for environmental impact and hazardous substances.

Environmental regulation:

  • Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) - Hydrogen production is regulated under the Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) regime in Scotland and the Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Industrial Emissions regime in Northern Ireland, to manage emissions, resource use, and noise.
  • Water quality – Hydrogen production uses significant amounts of water. Water abstraction and discharge require authorisation from SEPA in Scotland and the NIEA in Northern Ireland, to avoid water scarcity and environmental harm.
  • Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) - Hydrogen is a hazardous substance. Sites storing over 5 tonnes require notification and risk assessments for major accidents.

Practical considerations

  • Water supply: Electrolysis demands significant water; developers must plan for seasonal water scarcity and use the best available techniques.
  • Permits: PPC/PPC permits regulate emissions and resource use. Combustion of hydrogen (over 1 MW) requires additional permits.
  • Safety: COMAH regulations apply to hydrogen storage and usage to minimise environmental and safety risks.

Further information

SEPA: Hydrogen guidance

UK Wide Guidance -

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