Glasgow Caledonian Puts NetRegs to the Test

Glasgow Caledonian NetRegs Academic InfographicWhilst NetRegs is primarily aimed at small and medium sized businesses it can be a useful tool for a variety of groups. It is becoming prominent in academic circles and the NetRegs team regularly go to universities to explain why it is a useful tool. So far the team have given around 25 student presentations to more than 500 students!

Dr Karin Helwig is a lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University and has used NetRegs as a teaching tool for her Environmental Management class for several years, “Students don’t know environmental legislation all that well and NetRegs can help them pull the together the important parts which they need to do to create an environmental management plan” she explains.

NetRegs was designed to make navigating the maze of environmental legislation a bit easier so it is very encouraging to hear that even academics in the environmental sectortRegs workshops make it much more interesting and give students an idea of what businesses are looking for.” It is likely that many of these students will go into environmental work and NetRegs helps both as a teaching tool initially and then as a reference tool for professionals.

At NetRegs we aim to cover as much as possible whilst remaining up to date, something that Dr Helwig believes is beneficial to the students, “It is hard to find an overview of environmental regulations anywhere and you can always trust that NetRegs remains up to date”

This workshop also presented an ideal opportunity for us to get some feedback from the students about NetRegs and how they use it.

“NetRegs seems an excellent tool to use for businesses and individuals alike” and “Very useful seeing how NetRegs explains and simplifies the legal jargon” said two students from Glasgow Caledonian University.

This demonstrates the wide-ranging benefits that NetRegs can bring and how the guidance it provides can be accessed and used by anyone. We are glad to see that the students are finding it a valuable asset and we aim to continue to improve NetRegs and launch some new features very shortly.

If you want to find out more about NetRegs for academics or arrange a visit from the team then please email

Article Posted: 01/03/17

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