Hunting with dogs and deer stalking
These activities are subject to different regulations across the UK.
Hunting with dogs
Hunting wild mammals with dogs is prohibited in Scotland unless you have an exemption. Hare coursing is also banned.
Northern Ireland
Hunting with dogs is still allowed in Northern Ireland. However, hare coursing has been banned since autumn 2010, following a series of temporary bans and conservation orders.
Deer stalking
Deer hunting regulations differ across the UK. However, all stalkers must not:
- use illegal firearms to kill deer
- shoot out of season
- shoot at night
- shoot from a vehicle (a moving vehicle in Scotland) or use a vehicle to drive deer
- sell venison to unlicensed dealers.
You will no longer need a game licence to kill or take game or deer.
Further information on hunting with dogs and deer stalking
- BASC: Deer stalking code of practice
- Deer Commission for Scotland: Best practice guides
- Nature conservation
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