Pests and diseases
- Pest, weeds and diseases can adversely affect your productivity. Be aware of the best methods and techniques to combat them.
- DAERA: Crops and horticulture
- Farming Advisory Service (Scotland): Crops and Soils
- If you farm in Northern Ireland you must be aware of the Nitrate and Phosphate rules that apply when applying fertiliser to your land.
- In Scotland, rules apply to the application of fertilisers with additional rules for farms within Nitrate Vulnerable Zones
- NetRegs: Fertiliser application
- NetRegs: Fertiliser regulations
- DAERA: Code of good agricultural practice for Reduction of Ammonia Emissions
- Biobeds can be used to prevent equipment washings from causing pollution.
- Check and see if constructing a biobed would be of benefit to you
- Check that no authorisation from your environmental regulator is required for washings.
- The Voluntary Initiative: Biobeds
- NI Business Info: Disposal of Pesticides
- Scottish Government: Code of Practice - Using plant protection products
Organic crop production
- There are certification bodies that provide guidance covering converting to organic production and the standards that are required for organic certification.
- Organic methods reduce the risk of water pollution by removing many of the chemicals that can cause harm to the environment.
- Soil Association: What is organic farming?
- Organic Farmers and Growers
- DAERA: Organic production - general guide
- Scottish Organic Producers Association
- SRUC: Organic Farming
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