Brexit changes to the REACH regulations

If you’re based in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), you’ll need to follow UK REACH regulations to manufacture, import, sell or distribute chemical substances or mixtures.

If based in Northern Ireland you will still have to comply with the EU REACH regulations:

DAERA: The REACH Regulations

If you use, supply or manufacture chemical substances, or import them from outside the European Union (EU), you need to find out what duties you have under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation. Make sure you know what you must do and when.

REACH aims to protect human health and the environment through the control of chemical substances. Most businesses use chemicals in some way, so REACH is likely to affect you.

REACH applies to a wide range of chemical substances, and chemicals in preparations or mixtures including coatings, pigments, dyes, inks and cleaning products. It also applies to chemical substances contained in finished products or articles, whether you are manufacturing or supplying them within the UK or EU, or importing them. 

EU-Exit guidance: From UK Government

How to comply with REACH chemical regulations

Useful Links

HSE: REACH - Contact us

HSE: REACH Workplans 2021-22, 2023-4 

Additional Resources

Contact us