What is pollution prevention and control?
What is PPC?
If you carry out an activity covered by the PPC regime, you must have a PPC permit from your environmental regulator or local council and comply with the conditions it contains.
In Northern Ireland PPC Part A and PPC Part B activities are regulated by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA). Part C activities are regulated by your Local Council.
In Scotland PPC Part A and PPC Part B activities are regulated by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
If you have a PPC Part A, it controls a broad range of environmental impacts including:
- emissions to air, land and water
- energy efficiency
- waste reduction
- raw materials consumption
- noise, vibration and heat
- accident prevention
- the condition of your site.
Part B permits, and in Northern Ireland Part C permits, control emissions to air from affected businesses.
In Scotland a number of part B activities have been identified as presenting a low risk to the environment. Operators carrying out these activities will be expected to follow the guidance provided by SEPA. Guidance is in place for two activities, more are expected to follow.